Social Media…We All Need a Break Sometimes

It feels like social media is taking over the world.  The first thing most of us do when we wake up is check our phones (I’m guilty of that myself on most days!) I think we’ve all become a bit obsessed with our phones…people waiting in line overnight for the latest iPhone…is that really necessary? But during my recent vacation is when I realized how connected everyone really is. We were visiting Venice and the Greek Islands (more of that to come soon), and I was amazed at the number of people who were on their phones…EVERYWHERE WE WENT!

Social-MediaWe ‘d be having dinner and would hear people asking the waiters to take photos of them and then asking if the restaurant had Wi-Fi, so that they could immediately post the photos on Facebook and Instagram. Then you would hear others complaining that their battery had run out. I also witnessed business owners requesting customers to post positive reviews on Tripadvisor and to like their Facebook pages.

Something else that I was surprised at was the amount of people who have substituted their phones for their cameras. Places like Venice and Santorini are a photographer’s dream. I couldn’t imagine just relying on my camera’s phone for pictures.  But of course, by using your phone, you can immediately post them on social media, and show everyone what a wonderful time you’re having. I have been traveling for years and I remember the days when everyone carried all types of cameras (I still travel with two, just in case). I rarely see people with cameras anymore.

Maybe I’m a bit old-fashioned, but I feel that being on your phone all day when you’re on vacation is ridiculous.  Shame on the adults that were acting this way, as our kids take a lot of their cues from us.  We told our daughter that she was visiting these gorgeous places to learn and enjoy and spend quality family time.  She brought her phone on the trip, but she didn’t use it during the day. And I did post a few photos to my Facebook account, but usually at the end of the day, as we only relied on the hotel’s Wi-Fi in the evenings.

igottacreate_social_media_icon_tutorial_550I know the internet is wonderful for many things, as is social media, especially when promoting awareness of serious issues, or even just keeping up with friends.  But could we please teach our kids to limit some of this phone time?  Technology is the worst time sucker and distractor from the joys of real life. Encourage them to play outside, read a book or engage in a family board game.  Kids today are constantly on their phones and they take them everywhere. I know it’s not easy, as a parent of a teenager myself, I know it’s difficult to get them interested in other things. And everyday there are more sites to subscribe to…Vine, Snapchat, Ask.FM, WhatsApp, etc.  For those of you with young tweens and teens, I encourage you to randomly check your children’s accounts.  We all know how bad peer pressure can be, especially with Instagram, and the battle they face with how many people “like” their photo.

I do enjoy social media (how else would I pen my blog?) Facebook has given me an oppurtunity to reconnect with childhood friends, that truthfully, I would have probably never heard from again. But I do think there are limits, and I just sometimes wonder if we as a society, have forgotten what those limits are. (Click here to watch a great clip of what I’m referring to).

How do you feel about social media?  How long would you last without your cell phone?

85 thoughts on “Social Media…We All Need a Break Sometimes

  1. I only just got a fancy smart phone. The first week, I used it constantly. Now, I use it a lot, but I can’t imagine using the camera for much other than quick shots. I think we are way too connected sometimes. I wish I could take a week off, just get away from the computer and everything else.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve seen children and adults afflicted by the phone syndrome. Even celebrities…you see the sneaky pics from paparazzi and they’re walking around w/their heads down looking at their electronic devices.


  3. I take my digital camera everywhere as I adore taking photos of our adventures, but I do love the quickness of taking a quick snap on my phone to share immediately on Facebook….it’s balance 🙂


  4. I am one that likes to ‘unplug’. I often take my camera with me when I go out but no phone! I actually don’t have a cell phone. I find that if it is important enough they can find a way to get ahold of me! Thank you so much for sharing!


  5. It’s really a good idea to unplug yourself from online too. It’s just a good idea to spend at a loved one’s home without gadgets. Talking and conversations with someone you can also unlift some burdens.


  6. We won’t buy ’em. My teen has one that was gifted to her, and the bill gets paid for her too (not by us). So I’d last a long time. 🙂 Hubby is on his iTouch too much though…and I am on this pc for blogging a lot, and that’s the same concept. 😉


  7. My husband is obsessed with his phone and Facebook. I could take it or leave it. I chit chat with folks here and there and my blog posts are scheduled. I try not to let it suck me in.


  8. I couldn’t do without my cell phone but not because of social media. The husband and I live in different states so we talk on the phone all the time. I can do without social media though for at least a week at a time.


  9. It is SO crazy, as you say! And I agree that we desperately need to teach kids the importance of limits. My son is only 7 and already wants a Smart phone …. but he will not be getting one for some time. 7 is way to young to be having one, as a general rule, IMHO!! And parents are definitely doing their children a disservice not to teach them limits and make sure they learn good social skills instead of being on their phones constantly. They will have an even tougher time “in the real world” without those skills!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I will be the first to admit that I am always on my phone. It can be for emails, Facebook and whatever else. The only time I’m not “connected” is when I’m sleeping or when I’m doing homework with my son. I do feel that we all need a break from it all every now and then.


  11. Great discussion! I worked hard to train myself to turn social media on and off…I used to be so addicted! Now I use it with a lot more restraint and feel a lot better about it.


  12. Every now and again I take a few hours out of the afternoon and forget about my computer and phone. Its refreshing to reset everything. Sure, that is less readers being sent to my blog, but I think its necessary.


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