My Office Supply Addiction

I admit it…I am an office supply addict.  My addiction started when I was very young.  My dad knew I loved stickers and he started buying them for me at Hallmark (the only place stickers were sold back then) near his job in NYC. My mom would also take me to the Sanrio store and I would go nuts buying little Hello Kitty colored pencils and pads.  Fast forward many years later… and now I just love anything that has to do with stickers, craft supplies, desk accessories, and oh boy do I love a nice set of pens!  If any store has an office supply or stationery section, you can find me there (and now my daughter too).  And I have to say, I have found the most amazing stationery stores in Europe, (papelerias as they are called in Spain).  Back to school time offers a great selection of pens, sticky notes, markers, cute paper clips, you name it! Looks at these pencils, how can I resist??

Colorful mechanical pencils, found here.

Are you an office supply addict?  Here’s a quick list that will help you determine if you are:

1) You have more pens, pencils and markers than you’ll ever use in one lifetime.

2) You feel the urge to visit Office Depot at least once a month (or Archiver’s if you shop online).

3) You have an entire drawer stuffed full of blank, unopened writing pads and post-it pads, more than  necessary for anything you will ever write down in your life.

4) You have a giant collection of adorable erasers…which cannot be used because they are so cute.

5) There’s no such thing as too many blank notecards!

6) You’re more excited to visit the Sanrio store in the mall, full of Hello Kitty stationery, than Nordstrom.

7) You secretly love back to school time, just for the new school supplies you’re buying for your “kids”.

8) You have an immense sticker collection, as a gown adult, and continue to buy more with every visit to Michael’s.

9) You purchase items such as a Sticker Stadium and a Washi Tape Dispenser (don’t judge).

10) You get really upset when someone doesn’t return one of your favorite pens (they’re all your favorites).

11) You’re vacationing in Italy, and suddenly you spot an old handmade paper and stationery store, and you HAVE to go in.

12) You write a blog post about your addiction.

And don’t even get me started on monogrammed notepads and calendars!  Here are a few more of my favorite office supplies:

Beautiful color coordinated desk accessories offered at

My washi tape dispenser, found here.

My washi tape dispenser, found here.

Cute pencil case, found here.

Cute pencil case, found here.

Kate Spade eraser set, found here.

Kate Spade eraser set, found here.

Label maker from the Container Store, found here.

Label maker from the Container Store, found here.

Mini Sticky Notes, found here.

Mini Sticky Notes, found here.

Kitty post-it dispenser, found here.

Kitty post-it dispenser, found here.

Shaped paper clips, click here.

Shaped paper clips, click here.

USB Tulip Hub, found here.

USB Tulip Hub, found here.

And lats but not least, my new sticker stadium, found here.

And last but not least, my new sticker stadium, found here.

Do you like office supplies?  What are some of your favorite items, I love them all!

91 thoughts on “My Office Supply Addiction

  1. I can relate from my child’s perspective. That boy would rather go to Office Depot than most any store but Toys R Us (and even that might take second place on some days). He doesn’t even have to buy anything, he just likes to look around (though purchases are a plus 😉 )!


  2. I love office supplies too, and I have an obsession for stocking up on ultra fine Sharpies, even though I don’t need that AT ALL. Then, I saw the gold and silver Sharpies, and that the ultra fines also come in colors. I am a mess. I love going to Staples and Office Max to go clearance hunting.


  3. I am an office supply addict. Like you it goes all the way back to childhood. I could not have enough stickers or sticker books. Oh, and stationary for all the pen pals. Then, there was all the fun Lisa Frank stuff, an addiction that has carried me through over 20+ years. I love pens and I hoard them. I have new ones, old ones and even antique ones. If we eat out and the wait staff has an awesome one, I ain’t too proud to swipe the pen. Shame on me! LOL I have more than one planner, and notebooks all over my house. Never know when an idea will sprout.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh dear – I didn’t know there were others – yes I am an office supply addict – I just realized it over the weekend as I was cleaning out and giving so much away from my office! I am getting over this – yes!


  5. oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one with this condition. Even if I have no use for it at the moment, I will buy cute office supplies just because they are cute! Love that washi tape dispenser.


  6. I don’t think I have an addiction but I do love looking at stationary. I have a collection of pens, God knows when I’ll get the chance to use them all 🙂


  7. When my kids were younger, we used to hang out at the Sanrio store a lot. It was fun to get colorful pen and pencil sets, and all the Hello Kitty goodies. We’ve weaned ourselves off that a lot. I still love the colors. 🙂


  8. I too have an office supply fascination. I have to buy things for my office, but the sad thing is that I hardly ever spend time in there. I am usually in my chair in the living room working on my laptop.


  9. Uh oh, I think I’m with you haha. There’s just something about office stores and supplies that is like a blank sheet of paper. I love all-things-organized since my brain is always such a mess. This is such a fun post and I’m so glad you linked up at #MeetUpMonday! Even your blog is so clean and chic…just love it!

    Liked by 1 person

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