Sunday Night Blues

As far as I can remember, I have experienced the Sunday Night Blues. It all started when I was very young and I was terrified of going to school. Once Sundays came around, I would get very anxious and my stomach would start to rumble and I would ask my parents if I could sleep with them. Of course my mom would say yes, and once I was sound asleep my dad would carry me back to my own bed. This continued for a while. Eventually I got over the fear of school (heck, I even have a MBA), and I was always an excellent student, but my dislike and anxiousness for Sundays, sadly, still exists today. I can’t explain it, my favorite night of the week is actually Thursday, not Friday like most would think. This is because Fridays have always been fun days, whether at school (in college I would always try to take a very heavy load of courses Monday through Thursday just to have Fridays off), and even at work. People are always in such a great mood on Fridays, they go out to lunch, discuss weekend plans…

And of course I love Saturdays too, a fun day to spend with family and friends, doing just about anything you want. However, come Sunday morning, and it’s a completely different story. Something inside my brain starts to shift and the feelings of sadness and anxiousness begin. The pit in the stomach feeling. Dread. Even now, that I am a mom, and I am finished with school and I’m not currently working outside the house. So I ask myself “Why do I still feel this way?” And I just cannot come up with an answer.

Well, I guess I am not alone in this after all. I recently read somewhere that even if you’re lucky enough to not hate your job, Sunday nights are rough. In a 2015 poll from the career site, 76% of American respondents said they get Sunday-night blues…and 59% said they experience them “really bad.”

To me, Sundays feel the same as when I return from a great vacation. I always say that some of the best moments of a trip for me are the planning and anticipation. I always get very sad after returning from great trips and also feel this way right after Christmas, or when summer ends and my daughter goes back to school.  And I think that’s how I feel every Sunday night. The weekend is over. Back to the same weekly routine. Fridays are like the planning phase of a vacation, while Sundays are the end of the vacation. And I don’t know about many of you, but in my family, we all experience the Sunday Blues, so Sunday nights are not much fun. Everyone is anticipating the horrible Monday that is creeping up, sooner rather than later.

I’ve read many articles on this topic, which suggest strategies such as, identifying your triggers, better organizing your week ahead, meditation, finding a new direction and/or a new job, scheduling fun things for Sunday instead of Saturdays, etc, etc, etc…

Unfortunately, I can tell you that none of these things work for me. This is not one of those posts that will enlighten you on how to rid yourself of this feeling.  I will simply always feel this way on Sunday nights. I wish I didn’t, but I do.

Do you experience the Sunday Night Blues? If you do, what do you do to alleviate your anxiety, depression or worries? I’d love to hear.

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39 thoughts on “Sunday Night Blues

  1. Sunday is my favorite day of the week because all the kids come over for Sunday lunch after church. But I completely understand what you mean about Sunday nights. As soon as everyone leaves my mind automatically starts thinking about everything I have to do in the coming week and I tend to get overwhelmed. I just have to remind myself that it’s not the end of the world. It’s just Sunday night. 🙂


  2. Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I love that the kids go back to school & hubby goes off to work so I get the house all to myself.


  3. I know what you mean even though it’s not a problem for me. There are many times on Sunday evening when I feel sad thinking that our wonderful weekend has come to an end. I usually try to reflect on the memories we made and start looking forward to the next weekend. I also try to focus on some of the positive events coming up during the week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I used to hate Mondays and I still probably do since it’s my coding cutoff and it’s the first day of the week. Sunday night always feels like can we restart the weekend, I barely noticed it.


  5. Goodness I feel those Smondays too! But today is different because I actually took a day off from work. It’s nice to have the house and the cats to myself once in awhile, while I catch up on my home and creative tasks!


  6. I see I’m not the only one. I hated Sunday afternoons. I’ll be fine on Sunday morning but once the afternoon rolled in I would have anxiety about going in to work the next day. The only thing that helped me was retiring. 🙂


  7. I totally feel you on the Smonday blues. When I start thinking about everything I have to do Monday, it can get a big overwhelming.


  8. I have the blues all day Sunday! I feel like all day I am rushing to get ready for the week and catch up on what I didn’t get done. I DVR some of my favorite shows and save them until Sunday then it gives me something to look forward to.


  9. I loved this post. I always come down with a case of the Smonday’s. I love Sunday because I like to attend church but once church is over the day zooms by and the next thing I know it’s Monday. The beginning of the work week. Sometimes I like to give myself extra encouragement on Monday morning just to get me thru the day. Once Monday is over the week flys by


  10. I am a SAHM that home schools and I get a case of the blues when the weekend comes to an end. I love my job but hate that my husband does not work from home as much so I can bug him all week! Sadly it does waste part of a day that you are off and should be enjoying time with family.


  11. Good lord yes and I am not a fan of Sunday’s any more, as a kid I played a lot on Sunday as if Monday would never arrive and when it did I cried loads lol


  12. Sunday doesn’t really bother memail since I got laid off 4 years ago for medical. I actually like having the routine that I get during the work week.


  13. I’ve gotten pretty good at maximizing my weekend and enjoying the time I have instead of thinking ahead to Monday. My husband usually makes some comment about tomorrow being Monday when we go to bed so I made him stop that since I don’t want to think about it yet.


  14. I’ve never heard of Sunday night blues before but it makes sense. I usually just go to bed early Sunday’s because I dread whats to come! Luckily this week my kids are home for March Break so I’m enjoying being extra lazy!


  15. Even though I’m home all week. When Sunday kicks in I do get the blues. It reminds me I will be home all week till my hubby or sister gets home from work. It also reminds me that I didn’t get everything I wanted done during the weekend lol


  16. I do get Sunday night blues most of the time as I know a hectic week is ahead when Monday starts. But still I make the most of it as I get enough time to spend with my husband and kids & you can have some rest as well.


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